Are you sending a letter or package to Italy but are confused about what to write for the CAP?
CAP is an Italian acronym – Codice di Avviamento Postale. It’s also called the codice postale.
The CAP is Italy’s version of your zip code or postal code.
It is always a 5-digit number.
Table of Contents
Where Does the CAP Go in an Italian Address?
An Italian address has a specific format. The CAP always comes before the CITY:
Example Address:
Rossi Gianni
In Italian:
[Cognome] [Nome]
[Strada] [Numero Civico]
[CAP] [Città] [Provincia]
In English:
[Last Name] [First Name]
[Street Name] [House Number]
[Postal Code] [City] [Province]
Does Each Italian City Have Its Own CAP?
An Italian city may or may not have its own CAP.
Many larger cities have more than one CAP.
Smaller cities and towns are covered by one CAP.
One CAP can cover multiple towns, cities, or areas.
Map of Italian Postal Zones
The first digit of the CAP stands for one of the 10 main postal zones in Italy. At first glance, it may appear that each Italian region has its own postal zone. But, there are 20 regions in Italy.

List of Italian CAPs
Each of Italy’s 110 provinces has a 2-letter abbreviation and a 2-digit code that is the beginning of the CAP in that province. For example, the province of Bologna is abbreviated as BO and all CAPs in the province of Bologna begin with ’40.’
Agrigento | AG | 92 |
Alessandria | AL | 15 |
Ancona | AN | 60 |
Aosta | AO | 11 |
Arezzo | AR | 52 |
Ascoli Piceno | AP | 63 |
Asti | AT | 14 |
Avellino | AV | 83 |
Bari | BA | 70 |
Barletta-Andria-Trani | BT | 76 |
Belluno | BL | 32 |
Benevento | BN | 82 |
Bergamo | BG | 24 |
Biella | BI | 13 |
Bologna | BO | 40 |
Bolzano | BZ | 39 |
Brescia | BS | 25 |
Brindisi | BR | 72 |
Cagliari | CA | 09 |
Caltanissetta | CL | 93 |
Campobasso | CB | 86 |
Caserta | CE | 81 |
Catania | CT | 95 |
Catanzaro | CZ | 88 |
Chieti | CH | 66 |
Como | CO | 22 |
Cosenza | CS | 87 |
Cremona | CR | 26 |
Crotone | KR | 88 |
Cuneo | CN | 12 |
Enna | EN | 94 |
Fermo | FM | 63 |
Ferrara | FE | 44 |
Firenze | FI | 50 |
Foggia | FG | 71 |
Forlì-Cesena | FO | 47 |
Frosinone | FR | 03 |
Genova | GE | 16 |
Gorizia | GO | 34 |
Grosseto | GR | 58 |
Imperia | IM | 18 |
Isernia | IS | 86 |
L’Aquila | AQ | 67 |
La Spezia | SP | 19 |
Latina | LT | 04 |
Lecce | LE | 73 |
Lecco | LC | 22 |
Livorno | LI | 57 |
Lodi | LO | 20 |
Lucca | LU | 55 |
Macerata | MC | 62 |
Mantova | MN | 46 |
Massa-Carrara | MS | 54 |
Matera | MT | 75 |
Messina | ME | 98 |
Milano | MI | 20 |
Modena | MO | 41 |
Monza e Brianza | MB | 20 |
Napoli | NA | 80 |
Novara | NO | 28 |
Nuoro | NU | 08 |
Oristano | OR | 09 |
Padova | PD | 35 |
Palermo | PA | 90 |
Parma | PR | 43 |
Pavia | PV | 27 |
Perugia | PG | 06 |
Pesaro e Urbino | PS | 61 |
Pescara | PE | 65 |
Piacenza | PC | 29 |
Pisa | PI | 56 |
Pistoia | PT | 51 |
Pordenone | PN | 33 |
Potenza | PZ | 85 |
Prato | PO | 50 |
Ragusa | RG | 97 |
Ravenna | RA | 48 |
Reggio Calabria | RC | 89 |
Reggio Emilia | RE | 42 |
Rieti | RI | 02 |
Rimini | RN | 47 |
Roma | RM | 00 |
Rovigo | RO | 45 |
Salerno | SA | 84 |
Sassari | SS | 07 |
Savona | SV | 17 |
Siena | SI | 53 |
Siracusa | SR | 96 |
Sondrio | SO | 23 |
Sud Sardegna | SU | 09 |
Taranto | TA | 74 |
Teramo | TE | 64 |
Terni | TR | 05 |
Torino | TO | 10 |
Trapani | TP | 91 |
Trento | TN | 38 |
Treviso | TV | 31 |
Trieste | TS | 34 |
Udine | UD | 33 |
Varese | VA | 21 |
Venezia | VE | 30 |
Verbano-Cusio-Ossola | VB | 28 |
Vercelli | VC | 13 |
Verona | VR | 37 |
Vibo Valentia | VV | 88 |
Vicenza | VI | 36 |
Viterbo | VT | 01 |
How To Find an Italian CAP
You can search for Italian CAPs on the Poste Italiane (Italian Post Office) official website.
If you’d like to find the CAP (postal code) for a city in Italy, read about ‘Finding a CAP for a City in Italy’ with step-by-step instructions and photos.
If you’d like to find out which city is in a CAP (postal code) in Italy, read about ‘Finding Out Which City is in a CAP (postal code) with step-by-step instructions and photos.
Want to know how to address a letter or package to Italy?
Check out Italian Address Format – Easy Explanation Plus Examples.
Yes, all properly formatted Italian addresses have a CAP, including those for post office boxes (caselle postali).
Your letter may not arrive if you don’t include the CAP, or it will at least be delayed. The CAP is an important part of an Italian address.