101 ITALIAN GIRL NAMES for 2024 + Audio Pronunciations, Meanings & More

Are you looking for beautiful Italian girl names? If so, you’ve come to the right place!

As a mamma living in Italy, I’m surrounded by the Italian language and gorgeous girl names and boy names. I’ve done a ton of sifting through them to find names that are authentic, sound beautiful, and work well in other countries.

The names listed are real Italian girl names that you’ll find in Italy. You won’t see names like ‘Georgia,’ ‘Sienna,’ or ‘Julia.’ Why not? Because they aren’t Italian names, even though they’re often listed as Italian names on baby name websites.

You won’t see every possible Italian girl name, but you will find authentic, beautiful, classic Italian names for your little girl. They’ll stand the test of time and will be recognized throughout Italy.

In the first list, you’ll find the name, its pronunciation, the meaning of the name, and its origin.

In the second list, you’ll find the name, its famous namesakes, and its English language equivalent.

Following the lists, you’ll see the popularity of these feminine names in Italy and the USA in 2022 (the most up-to-date data available).

Looking for an Italian baby boy name? Check out 101 Italian Baby Boy Names!
Looking for a gender-neutral name? Check out Gender-Neutral Italian Names!

After the lists, read on to find more information on:

  • How to tell if an Italian name is masculine or feminine
  • Italian naming traditions
  • Nicknames in Italy
  • Shortened Italian names
  • Descriptive nicknames in Italy
  • Why your location matters when choosing an Italian name
  • Onomastico (Name day) in Italy

Congratulazioni and I hope these lists will help you in your search for the perfect Italian girl name for your new arrival! You can eventually bring her to Italy!

Note: We can guarantee that the names on this list are authentic Italian names that are spelled correctly and pronounced accurately. The origins and meanings of these names have been researched thoroughly and to the best of our ability, but we cannot guarantee their accuracy. If you find a name you like, please continue to research its origin and meaning. If you have any feedback, please let us know.

101 Italian Girl Names + Pronunciation, Meaning, & Origin

Adele nobilityGerman
Agata virtuousPolish
Agnese pureGreek
Agostina magnificentLatin
Alessandra defender of menGreek
Alessia defenderLatin
Alice nobleGerman
Alide nobleGerman
Allegra joyousLatin
Ambra amberItalian
Angela messenger of GodGreek
Anita graciousHebrew
Anna graceHebrew
Antonella priceless oneGreek
Aria lionessGreek
Arianna melodyGerman
Aurora dawnLatin
Azzurra azurePersian
Beatrice she who brings happinessLatin
Bianca whiteFrench
Camilla perfect, completeArabic
Carlotta warriorGerman
Carolina free, beautifulGerman
Caterina pureGreek
Cecilia blindLatin
Celeste heavenlyLatin
Chiara bright, clearLatin
Cinzia from KynthosGreek
Claudia lameLatin
Corinna girl, maidenGreek
Cristina a ChristianLatin
Dalila delicateHebrew
Daniela God is my judgeHebrew
Diana divineGreek
Dorotea God’s giftGreek
Elena bright, shining lightGreek
Eleonora mercifulGreek
Elisa God is a promiseHebrew
Elisabetta my God is an oathHebrew
Eloisa famous warriorGerman
Emilia excelLatin
Emma whole, universalGerman
Eugenia well-bornGreek
Eva living oneHebrew
Fiamma flameLatin
Filippa lover of horsesGreek
Fiorella flowerLatin
Franca freeLatin
Francesca freeLatin
Gaia earthGreek
Gemma gemstoneLatin
Giada jadeSpanish
Gilda valueGerman
Ginevra blessed, fairWelsh
Gioia jewelGreek
Giorgia farmerGreek
Giulia youthfulLatin
Gloria glory, fameLatin
Greta pearlGreek
Ilaria cheerfulLatin
Irene peaceGreek
Isabella God is my oathHebrew
Laura laurelLatin
Liliana lilyLatin
Linda flexible, softGerman
Livia bluish, lead-coloredLatin
Lucia lightLatin
Lucrezia wealthLatin
Ludovica illustrious fighterLatin
Luna moonLatin
Maddalena elegantHebrew
Margherita pearlGreek
Maria of the seaLatin
Marisa of the seaLatin
Martina God of warLatin
Matilde strength in battleGerman
Monica advisorLatin
Paola smallLatin
Patrizia nobleLatin
Perla pearlLatin
Rachele lambHebrew
Raffaella God healsHebrew
Rebecca to bindHebrew
Rosa roseLatin
Sara princessHebrew
Serena tranquil, sereneLatin
Silvia spirit of the woodLatin
Sofia wisdomGreek
Susanna lilyHebrew
Sveva woman from SwabiaOld Norse
Teodora gift of GodGreek
Teresa harvesterGreek
Tessa harvesterGreek
Valentina healthy, strongLatin
Valeria healthy, strongLatin
Vera trueLatin
Veronica true imageLatin
Viola violetLatin
Virginia maidenLatin
Vittoria victoryLatin
Viviana life, aliveLatin

101 Italian Girl Names + Namesakes & English Equivalents

NameFamous NamesakesEnglish (U.S.) Equivalent
AdeleAdele, singer
AgataÁgata Cruz (pseudonym), activist & poet
AgostinaAgostina Belli, actress
AlessandraAlessandra Ambrosio, supermodelAlexandra
AliceAlice Walker, writer; Alice Waters, chefAlice
AllegraAllegra Versace, heiress
AmbraAmbra Angiolini, singerAmber
AngelaAngela Merkel, politician; Angela Lansbury, actress/writerAngela
AnitaAnita Hill, attorney; Anita Baker, singer
AnnaAnna Wintour, editor; Anna Kendrick, actressAnne
AntonellaAntonella Luali, actress
AriaAria Aber, poet
AriannaArianna Huffington, journalist
BeatriceBeatrice Arthur, actress; Beatrice, U.K. princessBeatrice
BiancaBianca Lawson, actress
CamillaCamilla, Duchess of Cornwall; Camilla Belle, actressCamille
Carlotta Charlotte
CarolinaCarolina Herrera, fashion designerCaroline
CaterinaCaterina Murino, actressCatherine
CeciliaCecilia, Swedish princess; Cecilia Cheung, singerCecelia
CelesteCeleste Boureille, soccer player; Celeste Ng, writerCeleste
ChiaraChiara Ferragni, entrepreneurClaire
CinziaCinzia Monreale, producerCynthia
ClaudiaClaudia Schiffer, actressClaudia
Corinna Corinne
CristinaCristina Fernández de Kirchner, policicianChristine
DalilaDalila Puzzovio, designerDalilah
DanielaDaniela Bianchi, actressDanielle
DianaDiana, Princess of Wales; Diana Ross, singerDiane
Dorotea Dorothy
ElenaElena Kagan, judge; Elena (Ellie) Goulding, singerHelen
Eleonora Eleanor
ElisaElisa, singerElise
ElisabettaElisabetta Canalis, actressElizabeth
Eloisa Eloise
EmiliaEmilia Clarke, actress; Emilia Fahlin, cyclistEmily
EmmaEmma Watson, actress; Emma Stone, actressEmma
EvaEva Perón, politician; Eva Longoria, actressEve
Filippa Philippa
FiorellaFiorella Terenzi, astrophysicist
FrancaFranca Sozzani, editor
Francesca Frances
GemmaGemma Chan, actress
GiadaGiada De Laurentiis, chefJade
GildaGilda Radner, comedian
Ginevra Jennifer
GioiaGioia Bruno, singerJoy
GiorgiaGiorgia Meloni, politician; Giorgia Bronzini, cyclistGeorgia
Giulia Julia
GloriaGloria Vanderbilt, fashion designer; Gloria Estefan, musician; Gloria Steinem, writerGloria
GretaGreta Thunberg, activist; Greta Garbo, actressGreta
Ilaria Hillary
IreneIrene Dunne, actressIrene
IsabellaIsabella Rossellini, actress; Isa(Bella) Swan, character in Twilight seriesIsabelle
LauraLaura Bush, former First Lady; Laura Dern, actressLaura
LindaLinda Ronstadt, musician; Linda Cardellini, actressLinda
LuciaLucia Rijker, martial artistLucy
LucreziaLucrezia Borgia, noblewoman
Maddalena Magdalene
MargheritaMargherita Missoni, fashion designerMargaret
MariaMaria Sharapova, tennis player; Maria Salomea Skłodowska (Curie), physicistMarie
MarisaMarisa Tomei, actressMarissa
MartinaMartina Stoessel, actress; Martina Hingis, tennis player
Matilde Matilda
MonicaMonica Bellucci, actress; Monica Seles, tennis playerMonica
Paola Paula
Patrizia Patricia
Perla Pearl
Rachele Rachel
RebeccaRebecca Romijn, model; Rebecca De Mornay, actressRebecca
RosaRosa Parks, activistRose
SaraSara Gilbert, actress; Sara Bareilles, singerSarah
SerenaSerena Williams, tennis playerSerena
Silvia Silvia
SofiaSofia Coppola, director; Sofia Loren, actressSophie
Susanna Suzanne
Teodora Theodora
TeresaTeresa Heinz, philanthropist, Teresa Palmer, actressTheresa
Valentina Valentina
Valeria Valerie
VeraVera Wang, fashion designer; Vera Mindy Chokalingam (Mindy Kaling), producerVera
VeronicaVeronica Lake, actressVeronica
ViolaViola Davis, actressViolet
VirginiaVirginia Woolf, writerVirginia
Vittoria Victoria
Viviana Vivian
  1. Sofia
  2. Aurora
  3. Giulia
  4. Ginevra
  5. Vittoria
  6. Beatrice
  7. Alice
  8. Ludovica
  9. Emma
  10. Matilde
  11. Anna
  12. Camilla
  13. Chiara
  14. Giorgia
  15. Bianca
  16. Nicole
  17. Greta
  18. Gaia
  19. Martina
  20. Azzurra

Fun Fact: The top 10 girl names in Italy in 2022 account for over 19% of all baby girls born that year!

Source: ISTAT, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica

1. Olivia
2. Emma
4. Amelia
6. Isabella
7. Ava
8. Mia
10. Luna
13. Sofia
19. Mila
21. Penelope
22. Gianna
23. Aria
28. Nora
31. Aurora
40. Stella
44. Emilia
49. Elena
56. Valentina
73. Bella
64. Alice
83. Anna
89. Gabriella
91. Maria
97. Liliana

Source: Social Security Administration

Things To Think About When Choosing An Italian Girl Name

Things To Think About – Masculine vs Feminine Names in Italy

baby girl holding an orange balloon with hearts on it.  they are in a baby bedroom with all white furniture

Some names you may be considering for your baby girl are actually names for boys in Italy. This most commonly occurs with masculine names that end in ‘a. For example, end in -a. For example, Andrea, Nicola, and Luca are all strictly names for boys in Italy.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t choose the name, but it’s something to be aware of. Outside of Italy, many parents are choosing gender-neutral names or names that are traditionally given to the opposite sex (think James or Ryan for a girl).

It’s more difficult to choose a gender-neutral Italian name, as most names end in -a (feminine) or -o (masculine).

Typical Endings for Italian Names

EndingFeminine or MasculineFeminine Examples
-aUsually Feminine, but can be MasculineAnna, Elisabetta, Sofia, Tessa
-eBothRachele, Irene, Matilde
-iUsually Masculine, but can be FeminineNoemi, Gigi (nickname)
-consonantBoth, typically foreign originMiriam

Things To Think About – Italian Naming Tradition

Some Italians still follow tradition in naming their children, but it is becoming less common:

  • The first son is named after the paternal grandfather.
  • The first daughter is named after the paternal grandmother.
  • The second son is named after the maternal grandfather.
  • The second daughter is named after the maternal grandmother.

So, if Paolo and Rebecca have a daughter, she will be named after Paolo’s grandmother. If they have a second daughter, she will be named after Rebecca’s grandmother.

If they have a third daughter, they may choose to name her after a saint, the godparents, or another family member (like a favorite aunt).

As you can imagine, following this tradition, it’s easy to end up with a lot of family members with the same name. So, many Italians have nicknames.

Check out
Italian Baby Traditions
Italian Naming Traditions and Rules

Things To Think About – Nicknames in Italy

Many Italian names have a nickname and Italian friends and family will often call you by your nickname. So, it’s important to research the nicknames for your chosen Italian girl name.

There are a couple of types of nicknames (soprannomi) used in Italy – shortened names and descriptive names.

Things To Think About – Shortened Names For Your Baby Girl

Many Italian girl names are long, like Francesca and Filippa. Rather than pronounce all syllables, friends and family will shorten the name.

For example:

  • Francesca – Checca
  • Filippa – Pippa
  • Ginevra – Gina
  • Matilde – Matti

Professors, doctors, and others who aren’t close to the girl will call her by her full name.

The shortened name is used verbally, and rarely written.

Things To Think About – Descriptive Nicknames for Your Baby Girl

Remember the Italian naming tradition and how many have the same name? Rather than having five Greta Rossis in the neighborhood, you may find each Greta has a descriptive nickname.

For example, in Italy you’ll often hear:

  • Tesoro – treasure
  • Piccolina – tiny
  • Pulcino – little chick
  • Topolina – little mouse
  • Ciccia – chubby

Things To Think About – Where You’ll Be Living With Your Baby Girl

baby from neck down, sitting on a white sheet, holding a cube-shaped globe

If you’re choosing an Italian name for your baby girl, think about how the name will be pronounced where you live.

Difficult spellings aren’t fun for parents or children. While Vittoria is easily spelled in Italy, it can be confusing in the United States (“Victoria?” “Vittorria?”).

If you’re living in a Spanish-speaking area, remember that certain letters and sounds are pronounced differently. For example, Gemma is pronounced with a hard ‘G,’ as “GEM-ma,” versus a soft ‘G’ in Spanish (HEM-ma).

Certain names (like Claudia) are pronounced differently, depending on where you are located. In Italian, it’s pronounced “CLOW-dee-uh,” while in the United States it’s “claw-dee-uh.” If the way it’s pronounced where you live bothers you, choose a different name or be prepared to correct the pronunciation or just deal with it.

Things To Think About – Name Day (Onomastico)

stained glass artwork of santa elena wearing a red robe

Some Italians also celebrate their onomastico, or name day, which is a day that celebrates a particular saint.

The name day is celebrated more in the south, and by religious families. It is celebrated less and less by the younger generations.

But, it can be a fun excuse to celebrate, especially if your little girl’s name day is during a different part of the year. For example, if your daughter Chiara is born in December, you can celebrate her summer onomastico on August 11th.

Examples Of Italian Girl Names That Aren’t Authentic

A glance at any list of popular baby girl names would seem to show that they are all Italian. While many of them sound Italian, they aren’t. Here are a few examples of ‘Italian’ names found on some popular baby name websites.

  • Amara – a word that means ‘bitter’
  • Andrea – Italian masculine name
  • Nicola – Italian masculine name
  • Micola – not an Italian name
  • Nicole – not an Italian name
  • Ginerva – misspelled ‘Ginevra’
  • Dulce – not an Italian name
  • Chloe – not an Italian name
  • Sienna – the name of an Italian city, but misspelled (Siena)
  • Elizabetta – misspelled ‘Elisabetta’
  • Aryana – misspelled ‘Arianna’
  • Giana – misspelled ‘Gianna’
  • Pasqelina – misspelled ‘Pasqualina’
  • Marca – not an Italian name
  • Avena – a word that means ‘oat’
  • Jaquetta – not an Italian name

FAQ About Italian Baby Girl Names

How do I choose a baby name to fit my surname?

The most important thing to think about is separating the first name from the last name. This can be difficult if your surname begins with a vowel since most Italian given names end in a vowel. For example, Sofia Allen is difficult to separate.

What are some unique Italian baby girl names?

That’s a trick question because there aren’t any. True Italian names are very traditional. Italians don’t create names or change spellings of names.
School classrooms where we live are full of little Italian girls named Sofia and Anna. That’s not to say some Italians aren’t choosing less traditional (non-Italian) names. My children have Italian friends named Jennifer and Megan.

What are some rare Italian baby girl names?

While names like Sofia and Giulia are commonly used, there are some that are used much less often:

What are the most popular baby girl names in Italy in the past few years?

As you can see, the names haven’t changed much in the last few years – Sofia has a tight grip on the number-one spot! If we look back quite a bit further, to 1999, there are a few different names on the list:

Popularity in Italy20222021202020192018201720161999