Facciamo amicizia! Let’s make friends!
Time to learn all about friendship in Italian, from the words amicizia (friendship) and amicizie (friendships) and how to pronounce and use them; to sayings, words and phrases about friendship in Italian, like per amicizia (out of friendship), fare amicizia (make friends) and rompere un’amicizia (break off a friendship). You’ll find out about the Italian words for friend (amico, amica) and friends (amici, amiche).
You’ll also learn tips for friendships in Italian, like icebreakers and phrases for striking up a friendship (Ti piace il calcio? Do you like soccer/football?). There are phrases for keeping up with friends by asking for their phone number and social media info, and how to make plans to maintain a friendship in Italian.
Table of Contents
The word for friendship in Italian is amicizia.
The pronunciation of amicizia is: ah-mee-CHEE-zee-ah
Listen to how to pronounce amicizia here:
The word amicizia derives from the Latin amiticia, which comes from the Latin for friend: amicus, or amico in Italian.
One of the most famous lines in cinema is about friendship: Humphrey Bogart’s last line of the classic 1942 film Casablanca. Here is the Italian version of Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship: Louis, forse oggi noi inauguriamo una bella amicizia.
In addition to being a friendship between people, amicizia can also refer to an alliance or understanding between nations.
Gli Stati Uniti e l’Italia hanno un lungo rapporto di amicizia.
The United States and Italy have a longstanding alliance.
Piatti chiari amicizia lunga is an Italian saying that means Clear rules make for lasting friendships.
Did you know that July 30th is International Friendship Day? It is called the Giornata Internazionale dell’Amicizia in Italian.
The plural form of amicizia is amicizie, which means friendships.
The pronunciation of amicizie is: ah-mee-CHEE-zee-eh
Listen to how to pronounce amicizie here:
However, amicizie often means friends:
Avere molte amicizie means to have many friends
Avere poche amicizie means to have few friends
Avere amicizie altolocate means to have friends in high places
Italians also use amicizie to talk about their circle of friends, or the kind of company they keep:
Avere buone amicizie means to keep good company
Avere cattive amicizie means to keep bad company
Amicizie can also mean connections, for example:
Per avere successo è importante avere le amicizie giuste.
It’s important to have the right connections in order to be successful.
Here are some Italian phrases that use the word amicizia:
A good friendship is una buona amicizia
A true friendship is una vera amicizia
Chiedere amicizia su Facebook is to ask to be friends on Facebook:
Mi chiesto amicizia su Facebook.
He asked me to be friends on Facebook.
Part of friendship is telling uncomfortable truths, or doing things you don’t like just for your friend.
If you do something per amicizia (for friendship), you do it out of friendship, without regard to personal gain:
Io odio i matrimoni, vado a quello di Matteo solo per amicizia.
I hate weddings, I’m only going to Matteo’s out of friendship.
Fuchsia non ti sta benissimo, te lo dico per amicizia.
Fuschia doesn’t look so good on you, I’m telling you out of friendship.
To do something in amicizia (in friendship), is to do it in confidence, with frankness:
In tutta amicizia, lui non è per te.
Straight up, he’s not for you.
Here are some more phrases and words pertaining to friendship in Italian:
Make friends: | fare amicizia, stringere amicizia |
Become friends: | diventare amici/amiche, stringere un’amicizia |
Be friends: | essere In amicizia, essere amici/amiche |
Break off a friendship: | rompere un’amicizia |
Friendly: | amichevole |
Sociable: | socievole |
Amicably, in a friendly manner: | amichevolmente |
Affection: | l’affetto |
A bond, connection: | un legame |
Spend time together: | stare in compagnia |
Warmth, friendliness (fig): | Il calore |
A hug: | un abbraccio |
È difficile per Francesco fare amicizia.
It is difficult for Francesco to make friends.
Per rompere un’amicizia ci vuole un motivo molto serio.
You need a very serious reason to break off a friendship.
Giulia è una persona molto amichevole e socievole.
Giulia is a very friendly, sociable person.
A tavola è bello stare in compagnia.
It’s nice to spend time together at the table.
Un abbraccio da un amico mi tira su.
A hug from a friend lifts me up.
Good To Know: Italians are crazy for soccer, or calcio. A partita amichevole, or an amichevole, is a friendly match. One Italian amichevole that lives on in the minds of Italians was played for charity in 1984 by SSC Napoli and star player Diego Maradona, out in the suburbs of Naples. Read more about Maradona and the amichevole here.

It’s hard to talk about friendship in Italian without knowing the words in Italian for friend and friends:
un amico is a male friend
un’amica is a female friend
gli amici are friends, at least one of whom is male
le amiche are friends (all female)
Federica è un’amica di Paola.
Federica is a friend of Paola’s.
Read all about how to say friend in Italian.
In general striking up a friendship with someone can be intimidating, let alone in another language. Here are some icebreakers to help you fare amicizia (make friends):
Ti piace . . .Do you like . . .
- l’arte? art?
- la musica? music?
- il cinema? cinema?
- lo sport? sports?
- il calcio? soccer/football?
- la musica? music?
- il mare? the sea?
- la montagna? the mountains?
- andare in bici? riding a bike?
- viaggiare? traveling?
- sciare? skiing?
Qual’è il tuo sport preferito?
What is your favorite sport?
Qual’è il tuo libro preferito?
What is your favorite book?
Qual’è il tuo film preferito?
What is your favorite film?
Qual’è la tua serie TV preferita?
What is your favorite TV series?
Che tipo di musica ti piace?
What kind of music do you like?
Per che squadra tifi?
What’s your favorite team?
Here are some handy phrases so you can keep up with your new friends:
Ti va di scambiare numeri?
Are you up for exchanging phone numbers?
Hai Facebook?
Are you on Facebook?
Sei su Instagram?
Are you on Instagram?
Sei sui social?
Are you on social media?

Ti va di prendere un caffè?
Want to get a coffee?
Inviting someone to get a coffee is a classic way to start a friendship in Italy, as well as keep one up. People in longtime friendships get together at the bar for a coffee to catch up, even though drinking the actual coffee only takes a few seconds! A caffè, or coffee in Italy, is an espresso, not a big mug of coffee.
In fact, in Italy, you literally take (prendere) a coffee, instead of have or drink a coffee.
If you’d rather invite a friend to do something else, here are some ideas and phrases for getting together and maintaining your friendship. (Don’t forget to brush up on your numbers, days of the week, and telling time in Italian.)
Ti va di mangiare una pizza?
Are you up for having a pizza?
Ti va di andare al mare?
Are you up for going to the beach?
Ti va di guardare la partita?
Want to watch the game/match?
Sei impegnato/a . . .
Are you busy . . .
Hai programmi . . .
Do you have plans . . .
- stasera? this evening?
- domani? tomorrow?
- lunedì prossimo? next Monday?
Ci vediamo . . .
See you . . .
- stasera alle 8! tonight at 8!
- mercoledì alle 16! Wednesday at 4pm!
Vediamoci presto!
Let’s see each other soon!
A presto!
See you soon!
For more ways to greet your friends hello and goodbye, read How to Say Hello in Italian and How to Say Goodbye in Italian.