Nuora: DAUGHTER-IN-LAW in Italian

Learn how to say nuora, the word for daughter-in-law in Italian, as well as how to pronounce and use it. You’ll find out about how to say my daughter-in-law (mia nuora), how to talk about daughters-in-law (suocere), and Italian sayings that feature daughters-in-law and the often tricky relationship with their mothers-in-law.


The word for daughter-in-law is nuora.

Una nuora is a daughter-in-law, while la nuora means the daughter-in-law.

The pronunciation of nuora is: noo-OH-rah

Listen to how to pronounce nuora here:

Ho una nuora molto gentile.
I have a very nice daughter-in-law.

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law hug at a family outdoor picnic.  The mother-in-law says in a graphic speech bubble, 'ho una nuora molto gentile.'


Nuore means daughters-in-law. Nuore is the plural of nuora

The pronunciation of nuore is:  noo-OH-reh

Listen to how to pronounce of nuore here:

Bernardo ha tre nuore.
Bernardo has three daughters-in-law. 



Use mia nuora to say my daughter-in-law. This is an exception to the Italian rule about possessives.

Usually possessives in Italian also require the direct article (the). For example: la mia amica means my (female) friend. However, family members are a big exception.

Do not use the direct article with the SINGULAR, unaltered nouns of most family members. If there is an adjective before or after the family member, use the article. Also, use the article with the possessive loro. 


mia nuora is my daughter-in-law
tua nuora is your daughter-in-law (informal you) 
sua nuora is his/her/your daughter-in-law (formal you) 
nostra nuora is our daughter-in-law
vostra nuora your daughter-in-law (plural you) 


La loro nuora is their daughter-in-law
La mia fantastica nuora is my fantastic daughter-in-law

Mia nuora è perfetta per mio figlio.
My daughter-in-law is perfect for my son.


If you have a nuora, that makes you either a suocera, a mother-in-law, or a suocero, a father-in-law.

Your nuora is the wife of your son (figlio) or daughter (figlia).

To learn more about these words, read Mother-in-law in Italian, Father-in-law in Italian, Son in Italian, and Daughter in Italian.

You may want to read more about Relatives in Italian.


In large Italian sharecropping families in the countryside, it was traditionally the bride who left her own family to live with her husband and in-laws. She had to adapt to living under her mother-in-law’s roof. This may be why there are quite a few Italian idioms and sayings about daughters-in-law, especially when it comes to mothers-in-law and their relationship:

Dire a suocera perché nuora intenda.
Direct translation: To make sure the daughter-in-law finds out by telling the daughter-in-law.
Meaning: Send someone a message through someone else. 

Volersi bene come suocera e nuora.
Direct translation To love one another like a mother-in-law and daughter -in-law.
Meaning: To not get along at all!

La suocera non pensa mai che la fu nuora.
Direct translation: A daughter-in-law never remembers she was once a daughter-in-law. 


Genero means son-in-law in Italian. To learn more, read Son-in-law in Italian.

The pronunciation of genero is: JEH-neh-roh